Upper Tampa Bay Trail
We had a great turn out for the Upper Tampa Trail
today. Nineteen bladers enjoyed the smooth and shady trail. Christa N. joined us
for the first time. Welcome Christa.
Jim & Tracy, Joe W., John K., Crazy Rob & Diane, Lisa and Heather joined us
after a long absence. Welcome back bladers.
We missed Karin and Janice but didn't feel to sorry for them as they are on
vacation in Italy.
We brunched at Grandma Grippos as planned. Grandma Grippos was in total chaos
trying to serve us water and coffee but finally settled down to business with
our Brunch orders. Brunch came out shortly after we got our orders placed and we
had some excellent reports as well as a few negative ones. Rob rated his Eggs
Benedict a 10. Our end of the table all seemed to agree a 9 to 10 was
appropriate. There were some mumblings from the other end of the table but you
can never please everyone.
Several of the bladers and others met at Charles's house for a pool party and
eats. We had a delightful time and even had some interesting water gun fights.
Had to leave early but Charles had a table set up to
feed 20 people for a couple of days. Stole a couple of
Deb B's deviled eggs and they were delicious
as usual. The party looked in high gear and could last for several days. Heather
also turned 20 for the 10th time today. Happy
Birthday Heather.
Last but not least Kim & Joel F. had an 8.5 pound
bouncing boy 21 inches long today at 5 AM. Congratulations mom
and dad.
Need a Sunday Blade T Shirt? Contact Karin directly
through this email address karinkoch@tampabay.rr.com
Click Here for a closer look at the Cool New T-Shirts