June 3rd, 2007


Walsingham Park Shelter #4

It was another beautiful day in Paradise at Walsingham Park. There was no evidence of Tropical Storm Barry blowing through Florida 24-hours earlier other than pine needles decorating the paths. Approximately 20 people rolled out at the new time of 8:30am. Since Kim pulled in then, the group circled the parking area to pick up any late arrivals.

There was a little breeze and occasional strong winds for part of the skate, and sunshine all the way. After skating the park once, we crossed the road for the usual, illegal skate through the scenic Botanical Gardens followed by a second pass through the park. Some continued for third and final round of the park before heading out to breakfast.

The Savory was nearly empty when we arrived, due to the earlier starting time possibly. Karin called ahead. Everyone was seated immediately at the same table. The server had an interesting system of assigning a number to each person as they ordered, which worked out well unless you were Rob with #17 or you forgot your number like Laura (#10). Despite the fact that one end of the table waited patiently for their orders (including Rob the rater), the majority were served quickly. Food was given a thumbs up unanimously. Rob rated his meal a 9, as did most. There were 9.5 ratings. Pancakes were given a 10.

The group voted to return next week. While the number of regulars continues to increase each week, new faces included: Dawn and Rich, and Brian’s friend Jennifer who was visiting from Virginia. Welcome Dawn, Rich and Jennifer! We hope you return. Deborah D. and Bob B. appeared after being absent. Welcome back Deb & Bob. Fearless leaders Bruce and The Breeze were MIA. One was working. Bruce was fishing in the Keys. Everyone enjoyed the 6 – 10 miles of skating and enormous meals after. Perhaps Bruce will tell a few fish tales and how he survived the tropical storm at next week’s skate. We’ll see you on the Trail. Be there or be square!

Thanks go to Dee for the pictures and to Deb D. for the report.

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