Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. We did our regular
Pass-a-Grille run except we did the Gulf side instead of the
inland water way side of the point to stay out of the East
wind. Sherrie D. found a helmet inside her car from Thursday
night she doesn't know who it belongs to. In fact she
doesn't remember a whole lot after the group's stop at the
Palm Bay Club. If you lost your helmet, email me and I'll
pass the info along to Sherrie D.
We had a couple visiting from Pittsburgh, Laura & Greg.
Welcome Laura & Greg.
John's friend, Nelly, from
Boston biked with us. Welcome Nelly.
Absentee Joe W.
skated with us and became
a Sponsor.
Gerald D. renewed his sponsorship
on Thursday night. Thanks
guys for the support. Dee reported our
skate was 8.5 miles. |