Jeff's Denver Park Blade -
Brunch by Jeff and Darlene
Another beautiful day
in Paradise. It was pretty overcast when we started but it
never even sprinkled. Deb B. missed the group picture. Jeff
led us on a nice easy complex route through the area around
Denver Park. It reminded me of New York, totally lost the
whole time. We stopped by to see Good Ken. He came out and
talked with us. Absentees Tyler,
Vivian, Josh, Jenna and Paula joined us. Rob's Amy came.
Ginnie came again. Welcome all.
Roy reported we did 10 miles.
That was a pretty relaxed pace as it took us about 80
minutes. We had a minor incident:
Mike M lost his left nut
(off his skate). We had 6 bicyclists.
Brunch was at Jeff and Darlene's
house. Darlene had a big table packed with
delicious food. Darlene had the
help of Monika and Kim. Joel and Iara joined
us for Brunch. Well..... Iara toured Pinellas County on her
way to Jeff & Darlene's and got there pretty late. We all
got to enjoy Jeff's redoing of his back yard. He had added a
lot of pavers and a canopy. It was a perfect day to sit
outside. We had a wonderful time
and everyone went away stuffed and smiling.
Thanks again Jeff, Darlene, Monika and