Pink Streets/Skyway Access Trail -
Brunch by Linda & Brian
Another Beautiful Day
in Paradise. It was a pretty nice day with only a light wind
out of the SE. We thought about doing the Skyway Access
Trail but the Misener Marine bridge would have been too
difficult for many. We did the Pink Streets instead to show
everyone where Linda and Brian lived.
Today we had the most people (29) and
the most bicyclers (11) we've had so far this year.
Karen B came late and missed the group picture. Andrea's
husband Stewart just happened by and we got him to take our
group picture. Thanks Stewart.
We had several new skaters/bicyclers: Barbara M, Mary M, Ray
G and Kelly Wendy's daughter. Absentees
Brian and Rob H came.
Welcome all. Karen B became a
Sponsor today. Thanks Karen. Dee reported we
did 10.5 miles.
We Brunched at Linda and Brian's
as planned. Linda stayed home
and slaved away preparing Brunch for us.
Thanks Linda. Linda and
Brian's remodeled home looked beautiful and spacious. We all
easily fit in and had plenty of room to roam around. Wasn't
there a wall here before? Brunch
was delicious, there was plenty of it and
Linda had some champagne to go with several drinks.
Thanks again Linda and Brian
for having Brunch and sharing your remodeled home with us.