Boca Ciega Millennium Park Shelter #4
Another Beautiful Day
in Paradise. It had been a while since we skated BC
Millennium Park and a few people
got lost and arrived after we started
skating. Jeff waited for them and most caught up with us. We
decided to skate the Beach instead of the Trail as we had
done the Trail a couple of weeks ago. After we got over the
bridge we decided to head North. Dee was leading and took us
all the way up to Jimmy Guana's.
Dee indicated we did 12 miles total.
Ginny brought a new bicyclists,
Rick. Absentees
Deb D, Karen S and Kim came. Ken B came again.
Welcome all. Took a small group picture of the 4 late ladies
after Brunch. We had 5 bicyclists.
We Brunched at Mama's Kitchen as we had Brunched at Doe
Doe's several times recently. Mama's Kitchen got us right
in. We sat at two tables. Service was pretty good. Rob rated
has Brunch an 8.5. We had other ratings of 8 and a 9 so 8.5
sounded about right.