The Sunday Bladers



Taylor Park

Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. However the skies were ugly and it was pouring down rain in St. Pete. Talked to Rob H (he's near Taylor Park) and he said it wasn't raining at his house but it didn't look good. About 7:15 AM, sent out an email for everyone to meet at the Savory Restaurant instead of Taylor Park. As is usual, many people missed the email and a group met at Taylor Park and a group met at the Savory Restaurant. Took a nice picture of a rainbow over the Savory Restaurant. While we were eating Brunch at the Savory restaurant, the Taylor Park group called wondering where we were. It was beautiful at Taylor Park and they were going skating. They skated North and had a great 10 mile skate as reported by Dee. The Savory Restaurant group finishing Brunch skated North to meet them. Somewhere on the trail we met them and we took a group picture. Unfortunately Roy, Alisa and Beverly didn't skate and missed the group picture. The Savory Restaurant group skated about 9 miles. It was good to see Deb D and Christine again. Tom & Kim, Paula and Vivian we missed also. Welcome all. None of the bicyclers bicycled today.

The first Brunch group Brunched at the Savory Restaurant as planned. Savory wasn't that busy at 8:30 AM and we just went in and sat down. Service was pretty good. Rob & I agreed the Brunch rated about a 9. The second Brunch group Brunched at Widow Browns. Dee in that group rated his Brunch a 9.3.


A Big Thanks to all the contributing photographers, without you guys this page would not be possible.
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