The Sunday Bladers




Ft Desoto Ball Field

Another Beautiful Day in Paradise. It was a little cloudy and in the 60's but it warmed up nicely. Absentees Glenn & Sandy, Lorraine L, Pilot Rob H and Michael E came. Welcome all. We did our normal Ft. Desoto route. Dee indicated we did 12 miles. We had 8 skaters and 4 bicyclers. Alan B, Sumi R, Cindy S, Cindy B, Janice H, Pilot Rob H and Glenn & Sandy R renewed their Sponsorships. Thanks all for your web site support.

We Brunched at Skyway Jacks as planned. Skyway Jacks was very crowded and we had to wait 30 minutes to get in. We got seated in a booth and a table. The table got pretty fast service and got Brunch in about 15 minutes. The booth was about 10 minutes later. We had ratings from 9 to 10 so we'll give them a 9.5.


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