The Sunday Bladers







We had a fun time doing Pass-a-Grill today. There was a little breeze from the North but OK. We basically did more North & South on Pass-a-Grill versus East & West, anyway it was a fun time. We did have several fair size groups of bicyclers Screaming down the road. Also, Bruce didn't realize his bicycle tires had low pressure, and he had to drop out after doing about 2/3 of the route. I'm guessing the group did about a 10-mile round trip.
We had a hard time trying to decide where to Brunch. After much discussion, we picked the Hurricane Seafood restaurant. Basically, because it was very close to where we had parked our cars. Anyway, the 6 of us got to sit at the same table. The service and food were pretty good. Just another fun time in Paradise.





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