Ginnie/Rick's Skate & Brunch
Beautiful Sunday in Paradise. Well..... it rained all morning and the
afternoon so far. Not a good day for Blading or Bicycling or a Pool Party.
However Ginnie and Rick had a great and social Brunch. Brunch lovers (from the
left) Rob & Amie H, Carol J, Dorey Anne, Dee T, Terra S, Rob G, Bruce M, Darlene
B, Glenn & Sandy R, Jeff B, Ginnie S, Rick P and Paula C came. Welcome all.
Ginnie & Rick had worked hard and prepared a delicious
Brunch we all loved and ate too much of. Thanks Ginnie & Rick. We all got
to devour wonderful food, socialize and talk about all the fun times we've had.
Thanks again Ginnie and Rick for a great Brunch and a fun/social time.