Beautiful Sunday in Paradise. Bladers/Bicyclers (back left) Rob H, Diane
S, Bill S, Dee T, Rick P, Ginnie S, Roy H, (front left) Jeff B and Bruce M came.
Welcome all. The last time we did Pass-a-Grille was May 10, 2015 so it had been
a while. However, every thing looked about the same except for the beautiful new
Pass-a-Grille Way main road. There was still some road work on the section of
Pass-a Grille Way between 21st Ave SE and the South end so we didn't go that
way. However all the rest of our regular route was open and we did it all. We
also discussed going over the big new Pinellas Bayway bridge but few wanted to
and so we didn't. Our round trip distance was 9.7 miles. We had 1 Blader and 8
We Brunched at Skidders as planned. We got right in and seated at two tables.
The service was good and the coffee flowed freely. Both tables liked their food.
Skidders was good again as we hoped it would be.