The Sunday Bladers








Safety Harbor

Another Beautiful Sunday in Paradise. Yes, it was a very nice day, and we had a good turnout of 8 Bicyclers. Safety Harbor has many possible paths to take. After some discussion we decided to take a group picture, then head towards Philippi Park and then head South towards the trail cut off to the Long Center and then head back to Safety Harbor. As it was rather hot in the sun light, we also tried to keep in the shade. We did pretty good but as we didn't have an exact route to take, we got a little spread out at times. Nevertheless, we always got back together and managed to pretty much keep to our planned route. We did 10.2 miles and had a fun time. We also had the pleasure of Bill & Cathy Hadly, who we hadn't seen in quite a while come with us.

We brunched at the Athens restaurant as we usually do at Safety Harbor. We got right in and all seated at 3 tables put together. I believe they only had 2 waitresses and service was a little slow at times. However the food was very good and the company was lots of fun to talk to and see again. Just another fun-fun time on a Sunday Blade & Bicycle.




A Big Thanks to all the contributing photographers, without you guys this page would not be possible.
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