Ken's Cook Out & Movie Night 09
I had ordered a cool day but it was another humid-hot day
instead. We therefore had to hang out and drink frozen Pina Coladas at the tiki
bar to cool off while others dangled their legs in the pool. I couldn’t resist,
“Bad Ken” came out and I had to do my famous world-renown cannonball into the
pool to make sure everyone was refreshed! As it turned out/planned they all got
Thank you to everyone for the great food, snacks, deserts, drinks friendship and
laughter. Everyone enjoyed all the delicious food, snacks, grilled delights and
desserts. Hats off to the lady who did all the
The movie "Yes Man" was a lot of fun. It was definitely something we all can
relate to. At the very end of the movie was them going down a mountain road
wearing "roller suits. We all agreed that was something Rob G (aka Crazy Rob)
should do first! We'll do this again soon. I have another movie in mind! As you
can see in the pictures, Jeff B can't wait!
Ken L.
Ken's Memorial Day
Cookout 2008, 2009 Click here for
Ken's New Years Eve 08
Click here for
Ken's Cook Out & Movie Night 09