Ken's 2016 Halloween Party

Thanks again to Ken Leynse for another
fantastic Halloween party. Thanks also to his helpers. This year’s party being
in a new location took a little adjustment to get use to but it all seemed to
work out fine. People brought so much food it was over flowing the food table
but it all was wonderfully delicious. I counted about 85 people in my Sunday
Blade Collage with about 65 individuals. The costumes as always were wildly
creative and a marvel to look at. People must have spent hours getting prepared
to come. As always the Surfin Raccoons played their entertaining and delightful
music. The dance floor was always full of people jiving to the music. Happy
Birthday to Ken on the 31st. Thanks again to Ken L for another grand and
glorious Halloween Party.
Past Parties:
2008, 2009,
2010, 2011,
2012, 2013,